Crisis Management

Life happens. Tragedies strike. Economies recess and revenues fall short. Data is breached.  Accidents happen. People do bad things.  Employees leave.  And at a moment’s notice, a crisis engulfs a team, or an obstacle seems insurmountable.  Life will, at times, seem incredibly unfair.

At that moment, you have a choice: run to the fire or run and hide under the bleachers.

“When sh*t happens, shine. It is easy to manage and lead in good times. But it takes exceptional strength and character when things go south. In turbulent times, be CALM, show GRACE, think DEEPLY, and then act DECISIVELY, even when it hurts.” - Mike Allen, CEO of Axios

Trust the Addison Strategies Group to Turn Crisis into Opportunity

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Assessment & Rapid Response


Develop Action Plans


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Implement Response Strategies

Monitor & Adapt